Thousands of flowers providing plenty of late season colour
From late-March until mid April the garden gets a fresh burst of colour provided by thousands of flowering perennial and annual exotic plants.Throughout the grounds we have planted tens of thousands of non-water plants such as salvias, petunias, impatiens, canna lilies, bougainvillea, hibiscus, sunflowers, iris and many others.
Some of the best places to view these beauties is along the lower side of Cochrane Lake wall. The embankment has been planted with masses of impatiens, salvias, petunias and features 5m high towers of bougainvillea flowers. The walk at the bottom of the embankment is just stunning in Autumn.
For lovers of hibiscus, our Lotus Wetlands area contains huge stands of pink, red and variegated hibiscus flowers. The plants grow up to 2m tall with flowers up to 20cm in diameter that attract all manner of insects and honey eater birds.And our large Fairy Garden provides a colourful experience for both young and young at heart. It features a great range of cottage flowering plants including some of the best-looking orange, bronze and yellow perennial sunflowers in the country.